
Riverside Rebellion

Established in 2020, Riverside Rebellion began largely as an extension of a local Tulsa cover band called Firebird. Firebird began to gradually add original songs to their sets, and received tremendous response. With a portfolio of material to build on, Firebird was retired and Riverside Rebellion was born

Founding members Gregg Shipman, Jennifer Shipman, Chris Holt and Kritter Deer began collaboratively focusing on building Gregg’s existing song ideas into what would become the basis of the band’s original song list. With 35 years of bass experience, Gregg’s rhythm guitar found a comfortable home in the pocket that Chris’ driving drums and Kritters baselines created. That combination of country, rock, blues and funk influences would create Riverside Rebellion’s signature sound.

As the group workshopped these songs, they realized the defining sound would be best served as a two guitar band and after a short search, Stephen Morgan was added. Stephen not only brought a blistering blues rock lead guitar to the mix, but also turned his home into a dedicated rehearsal & recording studio. Stephen not only filled out the sound and allowed the guitar leads to trade off with each other, he also became a creative partner in building the layers and arrangements of the music.

Soon, Kritter added a song of his own. And Jennifer co-wrote the band’s first single “Blood Moon” during the Covid lockdown. Within a year, the band had put together all the material for their first album and had a solid hour of original music – performance ready and gig tested.

Over the next two years, the band would play a variety of events, festivals and venues, building a following and sharpening their songs. While performing a weekend tour with Travis Bond and the Rebel Souls and hearing their layered vocal harmony arrangements, Gregg realized there was one thing still missing – a backup singer.

After a brief search, a friend recommended her 19 year old niece McKenna Houck to Gregg. With multiple experienced pros lined up to audition, McKenna was granted a courtesy tryout with minimal expectations. It was immediately obvious however what a special harmony sound had been created between Jennifer and McKenna and all other auditions were canceled. The lineup was complete. It was immediately obvious however what a special harmony sound had been created between Jennifer and McKenna, and all other auditions were canceled. In the year that followed, McKenna became more confident and developed into a quality lead vocalist as well as a striking figure on stage.

The lineup was complete.

Guitar, Vocals, Songwriter

Gregg Shipman

Gregg has been a performing musician for 34 years, playing in some of Tulsa’s best known cover bands and playing the role of Gene Simmons in nationally known KISS tribute band Dressed to Kill. Gregg is rooted in the Tulsa sound through his father and uncles’ well known local band the Shipman Brothers who played and performed in the 1960’s with local heroes like JJ Cale and Leon Russell.

Lead Vocals, Keyboards

Jen Shipman

Jennifer had done musical stuff she needs to elaborate on. Grammy award winning producer and some other stuff. blah blah.

Lead Guitar, Vocals

Stephen Morgan

Stephen has an orange cat named Martin.